Thanks for this tip - i testet it and it works this way!

Can you also tell me how to iterate over the chart items of a bubble
chart? I tried this several times, but without sucess!

--- In, "simonjpalmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> here's an idea if you have a strongly typed domain model...
> 1) create yourself a bubble item renderer
> 2) override set data()
> 3) add a transient variable to the objects in your domain model which
> are in the data provider 
> 4) in the set data() override get the bubble renderer to put itself
> onto the domain object passed in from the dataprovider
> 5) when selected in the grid, get the selectedItem and you should have
> the bubble item renderer
> 6) change some property of the renderer to hilight it
> that's one way of doing it, I'm sure there are others.  You can
> probably iterate over some renderers collection on the chart looking
> for your data.
> --- In, "linko27" <linko27@> wrote:
> >
> > Hello!
> > 
> > I've got a DataGrid and a BubbleChart using the same dataProvider.
> > What I would like to do is when a row is selected in the grid,
> > visually bring attention to the corresponding bubble - however I can't
> > find a way to "get at" a particular bubble to make changes on it.
> > 
> > Please help me!
> >

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