I have to say, I find the ribbon bar a joy to use. 

there was very small adoption time, and I actually now work faster in
office than ever before. This really is (imho) something Microsoft UI
team has got exactly right. It's not just the UI but how passes
selections back to the application (every option, in word for example,
when hovered over is instantly translated onto your document allowing
fast previews before making a selection. wonderful stuff.

Also, it's not just a matter of copying as some have said. We should
always try to take whats best out there and give it our personal
slant. As for licensing, well whats the problem? Yes, I prefer OSource
or open spec products (PDF for example), but not every product
benefits from this kind of use agreement. And at the end of the day it
costs nothing to read the specs and see what can be gained.

I have also thought about creating a take on the Ribbon, simply
because its such an effective UI. More the principal than the exact
implementation is whats important. IMO, if there's a 120 page document
discussing the use and ideology behind this UI then I think everyone
should read it, if nothing else just to get an insight into what is an
effect piece of design. (that goes for all tech documents that we can
gain insight and knowledge from)

hope that didnt sound like a rant, I just think people should keep an
open mind, especially where MS are concerned. It's just to easy to
know them (ok, they are hateful agreed, but must get it right every
now and then)

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