I'm using the import WSDL tool in FB3 to generate my AS3 classes - One of my methods has the following signature:

reverse( point : PointXY ) : void

In addition, the following PointZ subclass is generated

class PointZ extends PointXY
        public var z : Number;

Whenever I call the reverse method with a PointZ instance, the soap envelope contains only the superclass (PointXY) properties. I had to adjust the generated class to implement the IXMLSchemaInstance interface, and set the xsiType to the default namespace and the class name. This is now picking up the subclass properties, however the attribute xsi:type value is malformed as follows:

    <Reverse xmlns="http://www.company.com";>
      <Location xsi:type=":PointZ">

Note the prefix ':' before PointZ !!!!

Any clues how to generate a well-formed type ?


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