I'm amazed by the negative views on Adobes Collaborative
<http://blogs.adobe.com/collabmethods/>  software. It's truly wonderful


I'm not sure if you are aware but they are in the processes of final
development and release of an API called Cocomo
> .


The API contains all the base class used in building Adobe Biro. This is not
a Biro API, rather a class library for building flex, actionScpit 3
Collaborative applications. It you company didn't like Biro, or connect,
then get the API when it's available and use the base classes  and Adobes
Servers to build your own UI. Amazing! 


Building this kind of application from the ground up, and not taking
advantage of these tools is beyond reason.


At the moment the private beta is closed (I also just missed out on the
sign-up, but have been following Cocomo's progress with excitement). I for
one will jump on this library as soon as I'm able, I can hardly wait.




Glenn Williams






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