I am rather experienced with the FileReference class but have come
across a major problem. Basically, the file uploading just stopped
working. It works for me in IE (though I still receive the "Error 203"
File I/O Error which on the server is a 403 'not authenticated). It
does not work at all in Firefox for me (same error). So it is clear
Tomcat is not receiving the jsessionID header (which I validated with
a packet sniffer). IE is receiving it which is why that works though
I'm confused as to why I get the error if the upload took.

I am using Tomcat to handle my uploads. Basically, we use a JSP for
the  user to login (which adds the jsessionID header) and then
redirect the user to Flex app (.html and .swf) upon valid login. From
there, any upload should (and did) pass that header. But that stopped
working and now the errors. 

Using a packet sniffer, I see the jsessionID is not getting included
in the FF POST request. I have seen blogs to tack it on the parameter
request but that will not work for me (it has to be a header). This
had worked in the past so I am not sure what went wrong. I was on the
prerelease version of FB3 (pointing to 2.0.1 hotfix 3)...so i thought
it might be my Flash player. I reinstalled the Flash Players for IE
and FF from the main Adobe site and no luck. I tried building the swf
from FlexBuilder 2...no dice. Really at a loss here. Any thoughts from


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