I've got a Flex site with several pages that load HTML content from an
older HTML version of the site into an iframe that I then place over the
Flash movie so it looks like the content has been embedded into the Flex
UI even though it's still being loaded from the old HTML site.

I've got the following Javascript function to load the HTML content into
the iframe:

function loadIFrame(url){
  document.getElementById("myFrame").innerHTML = "<iframe id='myIFrame'
src='" + url + "' frameborder='0'></iframe>";

I added the "Alert.show" for testing so I'd get a Javascript alert box
if/when this Javascript function fires.

Inside my Flex app, I'm using the following code to refresh the iframe
based on a URL:

ExternalInterface.call("loadIFrame", source);

I'm using the "show" event of a VBox component to make the
ExternalInterface.call to the Javascript function.  I've verified via
trace that the show event is firing and the ExternalInterface.call()
function is executing, but the iframe never "loads" the URL nor does the
Javascript Alert.show() function execute.

It seems to work some of the time, but not consistently and not in any
pattern I can distinguish.  Am I missing something here? Is there a
different/better approach for loading HTML content via an HTTP GET into
a Flex UI?  If not, how can I get this to work properly/consistently?


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