Why not submit as a regular POST ?


var params:Object = new Object()

params.UserName =  PostUserNameTF.text


----------Then handle the POST in PHP.-----------------------

foreach($_POST AS $key => $values) { ${$key} = $values; }

  $query = "INSERT INTO Users (`UserName`) VALUES ('".$UserName."');

Omar Fouad wrote:
> In my flex application i have a form with some text fields. When I 
> submit the form an HTTPService.send() methid is called.
> <mx:HTTPService id="PostUser" method="GET"
>         url="http://localhost/Flex/Pastarino/PostUsers.php 
> <http://localhost/Flex/Pastarino/PostUsers.php>" useProxy="false"
>         showBusyCursor="true"
>         resultFormat="text" result="PostNewUserResponse(event);">
>     </mx:HTTPService>
> the function is:
> public function PostNewUserResponse(event:ResultEvent):void {
>                 PostStatusL.text = String(event.result); // response 
> from the php to the label in FLEX
> }
> when the Submit Button Is pressed it calls the following function
> public function PostNewUser():void {
>     var PostArray:Array= new Array();
>                 PostArray = [{
>                     UserName: PostUserNameTF.text,
>                     Password: PostPasswordTF.text,
>                     name: PostNameTF.text,
>                     Position: PostPositionTF.text,
>                     ManageUsers: PostManageUsersCB.selected,
>                     CreateOrders: PostCreateOrdersCB.selected,
>                     CreateDishes: PostCreateDishesCB.selected
>                 }];
>                 var DataToSend:Object = new Object();
>                 var DataString:String = JSON.encode(PostArray);
>                 DataString = escape(DataString);
>                 DataToSend.PostUsers = "true";
>                 DataToSend.DataSent = DataString;
>                 PostUser.send(DataToSend);
> }
> At this point the php code would be:
> if(isset($_GET['PostUsers'])) {
>   $jsonString = urldecode($_GET['DataSent']);
>   $jsonString = str_replace("\\", "", $jsonString);
>   $data = json_decode($jsonString, true);
>   $connection = mysql_connect($URL, $USERNAME, $PASSWORD);
>   mysql_select_db($DATABASE) or die('Cannot connect to database. Please 
> Try Again...');
>     $query = "INSERT INTO Users (name) VALUES ($data['name'])"; // only 
> the name field for now...
>     $result = mysql_query($query, $connection);
> But it is not working. I realized that $data['name'] is not getting the 
> name field from flex.
> I also tried adding the values manually in php as in
> $query = "INSERT INTO Users (name) VALUES ('The Name is here')";
> and it WORKED!!. So i think the problem is that $data['name'] is not 
> really retrieving the data from the array decoded by json_decode() (this 
> is really frustrating me!!)
> How should It be?
> thanks for the help
> -- 
> Omar M. Fouad - Digital Emotions
> http://www.omarfouad.net <http://www.omarfouad.net>
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Ben Marchbanks

::: magazooms :::
digital publishers,  taking print beyond paper......


Greenville, SC

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