Hi all,

As stated on flexcomponents this FR is considered external because it's a 
Player issue and it is already in the Player bugbase (and they are strongly 
considering it).  So don't waste votes here...


On 2/29/08 4:39 AM, "Cato Paus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

flash.net.FileReference API we currently have in Flash Player 9.

One of the most disappointing thing we have when playing with bytes in
Flash Player 9 is the FileReference API. Let's say you call the
FileReference.browse() method to select a file.

Once selected, you have no way to get a ByteArray from it directly.

we would like to get the bytes from a selected file with the
OpenFileDialog, and also include a SaveFileDialog. This should allow us
to save runtime streams locally through a save-as dialog window.

Create an account and VOTE https://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-14245

Astro Need YOUR VOTE !


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