Yeah, this is where Cairngorm gets a little dicey in my eyes.  For
displaying popup windows, I call a command that does it's magic and
then sets a property on a model that's being watched and then calls a
function to display a PopUP Window.

I've read that some guys pass call-back functions coded into the view
into the command that the command calls back with the appropriate
data.  I've never personally done this as my watcher works pretty well.

It's a pain to set up, but once you go through the process once, you
are left with a tidy view, and all your code in a command.

Look up something called SimpleObserve, it's bascially a
ChangeWatcher, but it works well for watching model properties and
calling functions when the properties change.

There is a Cairngorm Flex list however, I think it's called 
Cairgngrom Docs on Yahoo groups here that might give you some better

--- In, "shafram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I have a catesian chart that allows you to click on a single bar
> which will display a Menu object. Now inside my mxml that contains
> this chart there is an itemClick event and in there is where I create
> my menu and do a In order to build this menu there is
> several business logic involved depending on which bar was selected
> and so on...
> Is there any better approach to creating the Menu for instance in a
> Command class? Any feedback would be appreciated.

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