Please bear with me while i try to explain this:

I have a custom dataItem:

public class MyDataItem
    public var Category:String;
    public var MainType:String;
    public var SubType:String;
    // some other properties

I create a collection of these data items which will be grouped by category,
maintype and subtype

var allDataItems:ArrayCollection;

var currentDataItem = new MyDataItem();
currentDataItem.Category = "Category A";
currentDataItem.MainType = "Main Type A1";
currentDataItem.SubType = "Sub Type A11";
// some more data items created and added to collection (this is all done
through remoting)

I need to basically achieve a collapsible layout as follows:

  [MainType A1]
    [SubType A11]
    [SubType A12]
  [MainType A2]
    [SubType A21]
  [MainType B1]
    [SubType B11]
  [MainType B2]
    [SubType B21]

Where I can have any number of categories, main types and subtypes.

I'm iterating through my collection of dataItems and generating 3 arrays of
titles (one for categories, one for main types and one for subtypes). So at
this point I have 3 string arrays of all the titles and one main collection
of my original dataItems.

I believe I can create the layout by essentially using an ItemRenderer
within a List within an ItemRenderer within a List (etc etc :S)

Where I'm completely stuck (possibly due to the time of day and lack of
brain power) is how to manage the databinding of all of this.

My most recent effort was to try to use another ArrayCollection which
contained all 3 arrays and the itemData collection and bind that to the
outer-most list. Each embedded list needs access to the main dataItem
collection and uses it's "title group" to find the relevant subtitles.

I'm pretty sure I'm barking up the wrong tree with all this and there is a
better/simpler/more manageable approach, if anyone has got this far, still
understands what I'm going on about AND has some suggestions on how to
acheive this I'd be most grateful.



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