Hello all,
I am using an ArrayCollection, outputted from an HTTPService. I wish
to access the 'id' attribute from an XML file. I've tried using the
e4x methods to no avail. I get an error:

"TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties."

If I add the resultFormat="e4x" to the HTTPService, I get the error:

"Type Coercion failed: cannot convert [EMAIL PROTECTED] to

Any help would be appreciated...

Here's a code snippet below:

[Target XML]
    <item id="11113">
      <name>weebls-stuff forums weebls-stuff forums</name>

[AS3 snippets]

function init()

function siteHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
  sites = event.result.ma.sitelist.item;

function getSiteData(repeatData:MouseEvent):void
  var site:Object = repeatData.target.getRepeaterItem();
  trace(board.attribute(id)); <-- this is where things blow up!!!


<mx:HTTPService id="siteDataIn" url="..." result="siteHandler(event)"/>



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