I've just read both tutorials from Christophe Coenraets: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/livecycle/articles/blazeds_gettingstarted.html
http://www.adobe.com/devnet/livecycle/articles/blazeds_spring.html And the big issue is that none of those tutorials explain how to start up a real Flex/BlazeDS/Spring project in Eclipse from scratch. They both start with turnkey server, they give some bits and pieces about BlazeDS configuration but the real problem is how do you start from nothing, how do you organize your project(s)? Where does java and flex sources go? Is there a simple hello world sample somewhere that I can just build as a standalone webapp and deploy to tomcat? I've tried to figure it out by myself, but I'm not very good with Eclipse so I failed miserably so far. -- Sébastien Arbogast http://sebastien-arbogast.com