Hi all, I just joined today to ask the community a question.  I haven't
had the time to go through all of the example applications or read all
of the documentation and I need to make a decision pretty soon, so any
guidance is greatly appreciated.  I'm trying to evaluate if Flex will
fit my needs, which are as follows:
1. I'm tired of coding for every possible user action in JSP,
JavaScript, and Java for web applications.  It just takes way too much
time.  Using Flex seems to be a possible medium, based on the demos I've
seen, to speed up the development time.  To put things into perspective,
it can take me one day to write an app in VB, but it takes three days to
write the same app in JSP, and it doesn't look / behave as nice.  What
should my expectations be with Flex?
2. I need to be able to store a variable, which is a session to a remote
application, and properly close the session when the app is complete.
I'm fine when using standalone Java apps, but using a J2EE session
variable with this particular application is touchy and error prone.  I
am not familiar with using remote Java class files and I don't want to
use web services in this particular instance, so any thoughts on how
this could possibly be done would be greatly appreciated.  Perhaps all
that is required is a push in the right direction for Java RPC?
3. I need my app to read a configuration file that will be available to
the app, such as in the same directory as the Flex app, without
requiring a hard coded HTTP call.  This same app can be installed for
multiple customers and I don't want to recode the URL for each customer.
Something akin to a properties file for Java apps.
4. I need to be able to write to a file, perhaps in the same directory
as the file in #3 above, to store configuration information that is
changed by the Flex app.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Keith Rust  |  Senior Consultant, PLM Business Unit  |  GoEngineer
Office: 801-208-5462  |  Cell: 801-580-2005  |  Fax: 707-248-5462
www.goengineer.com <http://www.goengineer.com/> 


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