I'm always a bit surprised when I'm building a Flex app and remember
that there are no common cursors provided... considering that the web
browser provides common cursors (which those AJAX people get to use
for their RIAs!) and the OS provides common cursors (which those
desktop people get to use for their RIAs!), I'd think Flash could
provide some native cursor functionality.

So, I'm looking to solve that problem and am curious what's worked for

- I'd love to see Adobe provide a native, common cursors API in a
future Flash Player. Doing cursors within the Flash engine is great
from a flexibility perspective, but its pretty obvious (in many apps)
when the cursor "disappears" over the Flash content and becomes an
in-Flash cursor (affected by the app's framerate, etc.). The big
advantage of native cursors is that they are silky smooth and the user
is guaranteed to be familiar with them (since their the OS's common

- In lieu of Adobe providing a native cursor API, there's obviously
the DisplayList-based cursor API. For that API, I'm curious if anyone
has a good source of common cursor SWF/GIF/PNGs? Sure, I could go grab
some from the web somewhere, but I figured there was an "official" set
of images somewhere that's used by open-source products like Firefox
or used by the Linux crowd... googling "cursors" is fairly frustrating
with all the MySpace-nausea animated GIFs out there.

- I did have a crazy idea of how to get native cursors in Flash, and
I'm curious if anyone has tried this or could suggest its viability
before I start doing the grunt work. If I set the "cursors" CSS style
for my Flash embed (the object/embed element in the HTML), is the
Flash Player going to respect that or override it with its own cursor
management? If it respects it, a possibility would be to call from
Flash to JavaScript and ask it to change the cursor on the embed, thus
getting my native (or at least browser-native, which virtually always
maps to the OS native) cursors...

Any ideas, suggestions, tips, links... all appreciated and welcomed!


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