Ok, I guess so.  I really didn't look close enough.  I'm no PHP guy so
I might be overstepping.  The only other thing I see that might be a
problem is that the mxml specifies the 'source' property and the
actionscript does not.  But honestly all my RO's are AS and their
endpoints are Java/Spring services that I specify in the
services-config.xml.  I've never used an MXML RO and I use
ItemResponders rather than even listeners.  My AS code typically looks
like this with the destination etc. configured in the services-config.xml.

var service:RemoteObject = new RemoteObject( destinationId );
var customer:Customer = new Customer();
var at:AsyncToken = service.createCustomer( customer );
at.addResponder( new Responder( onCustomerCreated, faultHandler ) );


Sorry if I've only confused things more...

- Todd

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "bennybobw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Todd,
> Sorry, I think I'm misunderstanding something very basic here. Aren't
> both mxml and RO calling the method views.getView("test",
> ['nid','title','body','changed'])?
> The method server side is views.getView("view name" (string), "fields"
> (array), "args" (array)). I've attached the code below.
> Thanks for your help,
> Ben
> function views_service_service() {
>   return array(
>     array(
>       '#method'   => 'views.getView',
>       '#callback' => 'views_service_get_view',
>       '#args'     => array('string', 'array', 'array'),
>       '#args'     => array(
>         array(
>           '#name'         => 'view_name',
>           '#type'         => 'string',
>           '#description'  => t('View name.')),
>         array(
>           '#name'         => 'fields',
>           '#type'         => 'array',
>           '#optional'     => TRUE, 
>           '#description'  => t('A list of fields to return.')),
>         array(
>           '#name'         => 'args',
>           '#type'         => 'array',
>           '#optional'     => TRUE,
>           '#description'  => t('An array of arguments to pass to the
> view.'))),
>       '#return'   => 'array',
>       '#help'     => t('Retrieves a view defined in views.module.')),
>   );
> }
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "twcrone70" <twcrone70@> wrote:
> >
> > Method signature is my attempt to be language neutral when asking for
> > the interface like in Java it might be:
> > 
> > public List getSomething( int param, String param );
> > 
> > The getNodes() call does not matter.  What matter is the RemoteObject
> > method call.  It appears to me that you are passing different
> > parameters in the AS implementation as you are the MXML
> > 
> > I'll look again, but quite often I send the wrong types of parameters
> > through an RO and the server side cannot find the method properly.
> > 
> > With PHP, not really sure how an "interface" or method looks.
> > 
> > - Todd
> > 
> > 
> > --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "bennybobw" <bennybobw@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Todd,
> > >     That's the part I dont understand. If I use either the mxml
or the
> > > javascript, init() is calling getNodes() in both cases. It works
> > > I use the mxml instead of the remoteObject declaration. That's why I
> > > am thinking it has something to do with my use of remoteObject.
> > > 
> > > I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "server code signature",
but I'm
> > > running Drupal 5 with services and the AMFPHP module.
> > > 
> > > Thanks,
> > > Ben
> > > 
> > > --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "twcrone70" <twcrone70@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Well at first glance it appears that you are passing parameters
> in the
> > > > actionscript and not in the MXML so they are each looking for a
> > > > different method on the server.  When I get "no such method
> error" it
> > > > is usually because I have specified the wrong parameters or in the
> > > > wrong order.  What is the server code signature?
> > > > 
> > > > - Todd
> > > >
> > >
> >

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