For those unfamiliar, Jeffrey has been extensively involved in the 
ColdFusion Community for years, contributing articles, writing blog 
posts, and helping out where ever he could. He has also proven himself 
as a rock solid Flex developer, and was recently added to the Flex group 
of Adobe Community Experts.

In other words, he's on the up-and-up. Don't judge him on the site 
design, he's a programmer/developer;)

Steve "Cutter" Blades
Adobe Certified Professional
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer

lytvynyuk wrote:
> Hm, sorry, but I don't like design of 
> <>
> --- In <>, 
> Jeffry Houser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >
>  > Hi Everybody,
>  >
>  > Some of you may know me, but many probably not. I'm Jeffry Houser,
>  > producer of The Flex Show, a flex related podcast. I also run a
>  > DotComIt ( <> ), 
> an Adobe Solutions Partner
>  > specializing in Flex Development. DotComIt is working on a line of
>  > commercial Flex Components, and we'd like to get some feedback from the
>  > developer community. In order to do this, we will be conducting some
>  > focus groups over the course of the next few months and want to welcome
>  > all Flex developers to participate.
>  >
>  > * What is a focus group?* A focus group is a group of potential
>  > customers who are brought together to get their opinions, perceptions,
>  > and ideas that will help to shape the design, strategy, and
> direction of
>  > DotComIt's product development.
>  >
>  > *Why Participate in a DotComIt Flex Component Focus Group?*
>  >
>  > 1. Get $50 for your participation (paid via PayPal or iTunes).
>  > 2. An opportunity to provide your input, perspective, and opinion(s)
>  > about Flex and the use of components within Flex.
>  > 3. Hear the opinions and perspectives of other developers like
>  > yourself, first hand.
>  > 4. Make sure your needs and wants are heard and perhaps help shape
>  > DotComIt's component development road map.
>  >
>  > To be eligible, you'll just have to fill out a short survey at
>  > <> 
> We want to talk to developer's with
>  > all levels of experience, so no matter how much, or how little, you
> know
>  > about Flex we want to hear from you. The survey will close on Friday
>  > April 4th, and we will contact selected participants the following week
>  > to discuss specific details.
>  > **
>  > The focus groups are being conducted by a business development
> firm on
>  > DotComIt's behalf. So, for those that know me, you can participate w/o
>  > being fear of conflict of interests or upsetting me.
>  >
>  > Please feel free to pass this on to anyone who you think may be
>  > interested. Now back to your regularly schedule lists posts.
>  >
>  > --
>  > Jeffry Houser
>  > Flex, ColdFusion, AIR
>  > AIM: Reboog711 | Phone: 1-203-379-0773
>  > --
>  > Adobe Community Expert
> < 
> <>>
>  > My Company: < <>>
>  > My Podcast: < <>>
>  > My Blog: < <>>
>  >

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