Isn't using URLLoader a better way to download binary data such as jpeg files? It has a dataFormat property that can be set to binary, which delivers the data as a byteArray.

My understanding of httpService is that it will try to parse the result depending on the setting of the resultFormat property. There is no binary option for this.

I don't know if that's the cause of your problem, but it may be worth trying.


On 2 Apr 2008, at 18:04, p_repetti wrote:


I'm retrieving a JPEG from the server side to display it in an mx:Image. The image raw bytes are served by a plain Java Servlet. The content type is correct. If I call the servlet from a common browser it all works fine. The
image is 400KB big.

PROBLEM: when I call the servlet from Flex 3, it looks like the lastResult
contains only the first bytes of the image, not all.

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