Okay.. if I have Eclipse up (no server running, both Servers and the
Project as closed) and I make a war file of my flex app, I place it in
Tomcat webapps folder (server off) I turn the server on, Tomcat unwars
the file.. all LOOKS well.. when I run the app.. nothing happens it
just freezes.. I check logs and see
[Flex] RTMP-Server failed to start up: java.net.BindException: Address
already in use: bind
Exception in thread "RTMP-Server"
flex.messaging.endpoints.rtmp.RTMPException: The RTMP server has
encountered a fatal exception starting up: Address already in use:
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

I close Eclipse, still get the error. I restart Tomcat, still get the error.
The only way to not get the error, I have to kill Eclipse, open cmd
and cd to my folder and make the war file, if I do this (again,
without Eclipse even open). It works..

So what gives? This is Flex 2, Tomcat5.5 and Eclipse 3.2..

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