I checked the packets with Charles (www.xk72.com/charles) under Windows.
The request body is over 1KB.

The response packet just says "204 No Content". There is no body.
Obviously, the ActiveX wrapper is taking this to mean that something
went wrong. Again, since I have no information other than "Error 2032",
I don't see how I can safely ignore these errors.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Dmitri Girski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Install Wireshark sniffer and check the contents of the packets. I am
> inclined to think that this problem is on a server side.
> PS What is on the server side?
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "longxjyh" longxjyh@ wrote:
> >
> > When I use HttpService to send data by post method,I encounter a
> > problem.I find if the length of the post data is over 1022,then flex
> > rises the runtime error 2032.However the data is sended to server
> > wholelly and the server has accepted all the data without any
> > can't understand why flex rises such error.The problem exists only
> > IE.In firefox ,it's ok,no problem.
> >

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