Very Stange behavior.

I´ve tested your code and couldn´t get same error.

Log a bug for it.

Igor Costa

On 4/6/08, firdosht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Hey guys,
>                      so I have created a simple flex proj
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""; layout="absolute" 
> themeColor="#0EFF02">
>       <mx:Script>
>               <![CDATA[
>                       private function onOver(evt:Event):void{
>                               trace("onOver : " +evt.currentTarget );
>                               test.setStyle("backgroundColor",0xff00ff);
>                       }
>                       private function onOut(evt:Event):void{
>                               trace("onOut : " +evt.currentTarget );
>                               test.setStyle("backgroundColor",0xffff00);
>                       }
>               ]]>
>       </mx:Script>
>       <mx:Canvas id="test"  x="118" y="136" width="443" height="133" 
> themeColor="#099FFF" backgroundColor="#D70000" rollOver="onOver(event);" 
> rollOut="onOut(event);">
>               <mx:Button x="39" y="35" label="Button"/>
>       </mx:Canvas>
> </mx:Application>
> So basically all the code above does is changes the backgroundColor of the 
> Canvas. It works fine
> Now if I make a MXML Component using the Code Behind Method
> *
> *<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""; layout="absolute" 
> themeColor="#0EFF02" xmlns:ns1="item.*">
>       <ns1:ListItem x="80" y="48"/>   
> </mx:Application>
> *ListItem.mxml*
> <item:CListItem xmlns:mx=""; width="400" 
> height="300" xmlns:item="item.*">
>       <mx:Button x="65" y="61" label="Button"/>       
> </item:CListItem>
> *
> package item
> {
>       import; 
>       import mx.containers.Canvas;
>       import;
>       public class CListItem extends Canvas
>       {
>               public function CListItem()
>               {
>                       super();
>                       this.addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, 
> onComponentLoaded);  
>               }
>               private function onMouseOver(evt:MouseEvent):void{
>                       trace("CListItem.onMouseOver :");
>                       this.setStyle("backgroundColor",0xff00ff);              
>               }
>               private function onMouseOut(evt:MouseEvent):void{
>                       trace("CListItem.onMouseOut");
>                       this.setStyle("backgroundColor",0xffff00);              
>               }
>               private function onComponentLoaded(evt:FlexEvent):void{         
>                       this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, 
> onMouseOver);                      
>                       this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, 
> onMouseOut);        
>               }               
>       }
> }
> Now when I mouse over the Button component the onMouseOut function gets 
> called and there is a flicker in the backgroundColor.
> If I dont use the Code Behind Method then the onMouseOut function does not 
> get called when I rollOver the button.
> Can anyone explain this strange behavior?
> Thanks
> Cheers
> Firdosh

Igor Costa

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