In their book "Programming Flex 2" (Chapter 11- p. 251) J. Lott and C.Kazoun show how to write a cool MXML transition effect (4 windows moved and resized upon a click). But the number of windows it moves is predefined and fixed. Adding just a window imply adding a bunch of copy/pastes into <mx:states> tags.

Despite authors write :
- on page 251: "You can create transitions using MXML or AS"
- on page 255 : "There's no real advantage to using transitions from ActionScript or MXML" seems impossible, in this example, to use MXML code to manage an unknown numbers of windows .

So did I missed something?
Would it be possible to adapt MXML code ?

If the answer is AS3 exclusive, do you know where I can find a small sample of AS3 code to animate Flex component (all the ones I find are Flash CS3 exclusive)

Thx for your help


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