Hi all,

I'm trying to have an AdvancedDataGrid using a GroupingCollection 
that has a certain number of rows that get grouped by a column called 
"GROUP_NAME". I set a Timer() and call a refresh on the XML every 5 
seconds or so (it's provided by WebORB through AMF). I want to 
remember which rows were closed and which were open BEFORE the 
refresh and i want to keep them closed/open AFTER the refresh.

What I've done is:

- created an onClick event for the AdvancedDataGrid
- made it do this:

var item:Object = AdvancedDataGrid(event.currentTarget).selectedItem;
// this is so that the user can click the whole row
if (adg.getParentItem(item) == null) { adg.expandItem(item, !
adg.isItemOpen(item), true); }
// closedItems is an array of "closed" rows, let's not worry about 
their current state and so on, I just want to close any row that's in 
this array

Then I have an onResult handler for the XML which, when the XML is 
read from the WebORB object, runs the following block of code:

            if (closedItems.length > 0) {
                //Alert.show('some items should be closed');
                for each (var oneRow:Object in closedItems) {
                        adg.expandItem(oneRow, false);

Now, the above Alert.show() returns, CORRECTLY, 'false', i.e. that 
the item is CLOSED. However, the actual item in the datagrid is still 
folded open!! 

My GroupingCollection is defined like this:
<mx:GroupingCollection id="groupedData" source="{agentData}" 
childrenField="xx" >

I refresh by re-assigning agentData to the WebORB result and calling 

What am I doing wrong? Anybody have any suggestions?



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