Did you ever figure out how to do this?


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "smelbyfastlane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello - 
> I am using an AdvancedDataGrid to display data that is retrieved
> periodically from a HTTPService.  When handling the result event I
> parse the lastResult e4x into typed objects and put them into an
> ArrayCollection which is the source for a GroupingCollection as laid
> out below.  After doing all of this I call groupedData.refresh() to
> get my new data displayed.  All of this works fine, except that after
> calling groupedData.refresh() my group nodes (in the grid) are all
> collapsed.  I have tried saving workItemsGrid.openItems into a temp
> variable, then setting it back after calling refresh... but that does
> not work.  I am guessing that this is due to the fact that my data
> provider has entirely different object instances than it had
> previously.  But, I am open to the idea that I just did it incorrectly
> somehow.  Based on my thought that I have different objects in the DP
> than I did before I figured I could just save off the value of
> "GroupLabel" for each openItem, call refresh(), then iterate over the
> group objects and call  workItemsGrid.expandItem() for each that has a
> GroupLabel that was previously open.  The problem with this approach
> is that I have not yet been able to figure out how to iterate over the
> groups.
> Any help in getting my previously open items to re-open is greatly
> appreciated.
> Thanks in advance
> Scott
>         <mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="workItemsGrid" width="100%"
> height="100%">
>                 <mx:dataProvider>
>                    <mx:GroupingCollection id="groupedData"
> source="{flatWorkItemsAC}">
>                        <mx:Grouping>
>                     ...
>                        </mx:Grouping>          
>                    </mx:GroupingCollection>   
>            </mx:dataProvider>
>         ...
>         </mx:AdvancedDataGrid>

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