I have been having a very hard time trying to get the following working 
for me:
A custom itemRenderer goes into a column. This custom renderer is a 
dataGrid with a few columns. Columns to that grid are added 
dynamically. After these columns have been added a total width is 
assigned to the internal dataGrid and an array element is set to carry 
that value.
After this an external column is getting its width set to the array 
element. Everything works perfectly well, but ...
Looks like I am having a timing issue here. I need to wait somehow till 
internal grid is built and its width is stored into array.
How someone would design it? I am trying to use Timer to monitor 
setting for the internal dataGrid but that is not going well either. 
I think that going with Timer is right thinkg to do. But I mignt be 
wrong and that's why I need help.
My project is under a deadline, please help.


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