(Sorry if this is a frequent question, I tried searching but didn't
find anything that matched what I'm trying to do)

My company's just getting started with Flex and I'm building an app
based on the Adobe Dashboard sample app.  Basically, we have two tabs.
The first tab shows a bunch of bar charts (they're all similar data,
with different categories).  Two of the charts are going to be
clickable -- when you click one, the other tab (the "Details" tab)
will show up presenting the data in grid form.  The problem I'm having
is I need to pass parameters into a function in that details display
pod from the main mxml file.  I could probably accomplish it by
running a function in the main mxml file, but I want all of my pods to
be as independent as possible so other future dashboards could also
use this pod.

Here's basically what I'm doing.  Clicking the chart calls this function:

public function showDetailView():void
        var index:Number = 1;
        StateManager.setViewIndex(index); // Save the view index.
        viewStack.selectedIndex = index;

        // If data exists then add the pods. After the pods have been added
the data is cleared.
        var podLayoutManager:PodLayoutManager = podLayoutManagers[index];
        if (podDataDictionary[podLayoutManager] != null)

//      podLayoutManagers[index].items[0].getDetailData();

It's that last (commented-out) line where I'm trying to find a way to
call the function. But, I can't figure out where in the document model
that function would be, even after using watch expressions in the

Is it simpler than I'm making it out to be?  Or, is there a better way
to accomplish the same thing (keeping the pod as independent as possible)?

Thanks in advance.


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