Hi Folks give me a solution.

I have a XML file for loading into the tilelist controller.

<Image Name="Apple" Type="Png" Icon="image1.png">
     <PropertyCategory Name="Display">
          <Property Name="Width" Type="int" Value="">
          <Property Name="Height" Type ="int" Value="">
         <Property Name="X" Type="int" Value="">
          <Property Name="Y" Type ="int" Value="">
    <PropertyCategory  Name="Mp3">
           <Property Name ="IPOD" Type="Option{shuffle|nano|others}"
</Image >

am using the itemrenderer in tilelist control.
like this
    <mx:Image id="image" width="60" height="60" source="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
        mouseMove="{ss.dragPicture(event, image,'img');}" />
    <mx:Label text="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" fontWeight="bold" />

my problem is when i loading the xml, in the mean time, to create the
properties of the image like "Display", and "MP3".

My Idea is

Image tag is ViewStack
PropertyCategory is TabNavigators
Property is Controls.

like ViewStack-->TabNavigators-->Controls

how can i do that using item renderer.

Please reply me. Is this best or i choose the TreeList.
what ever, How can i do that. Please reply me.

Thanks & Regards
Swaminathan. M

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