  public  function loadCats():void {
    var handlers : IResponder = new 

Looks like a terrible solution.

I agree with your comments regarding the Controller and Commands but
replacing them with a singleton that defines all your applications
responder methods doesn't seem very manageable.

--- In, "michniu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Coders,
> I just want to discuss some issues about  the Cairgorm, Because I 
> cant find  another  maillist or  forum to   discuss it. I put it here.
> The most uselees part in cairgorm ----frontCotroller and command
> Just my on  opionion, I really dont like to write the command for 
> every action and register it  on  frontcoutroller. I really think it  
> waste time, and It make debuging  difficult! Sometimes  you dont know 
> where do you get the result  after  you dispathce your  Event.
> Use A  ServiceFacade to replace  the frontcontroller and the command.
>  I use  a ServiceFacade  to call the Delegate  instead of the 
> controller and the junk command. 
> The idea is  when  the view page  active some action. it will not 
> dispathc any event .  it will call the  service mathod from  service 
> facade. 
> Here  is  example code form  flexStore:
>    /**
>                 * Wrapper function to invoke a call to load the 
> catalog XML data
>                 * @private
>                 */
>               private function onLoadCatalog():void {
>                       var event : LoadCatalogEvent = 
> new oadCatalogEvent();
>                               event.dispatch();
>               }
>  to replace the  event dispath()  my solution is :
>    private function onLoadCatalog():void {
>       ServiceFacade.getInstance().loadCats();
>               }
> And Ind ServiceFacade .loadCats() method   call teh delegate  and 
> service:
>               public  function loadCats():void {
>                       var handlers : IResponder = new 
> mx.rpc.Responder(onResults_loadCatalog,fault);
>                       getDelegate(handlers).loadCatalog();
>               }               
> Use this way, I dont need  create any   frontController and  command. 
> I also get the benefit  from  Cairgorm  ServiceLocate  Delegate and 
> Model locator.
> Any suggestion or Criticze  is Appretiate
> Mike

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