I've got a sequence of images loaded in Flex - for this example let's 
say I've populated an array ("imageArray") with new Image objects.

I've got an Image control ("myImage") whose source is set on 

During the application run, I'd like to be able to set the source of the 
image control dynamically (in this case, based on mouse position) to the 
source of one of the objects in the array. For instance:


The problem is, when I change image source there's a brief flash (no pun 
intended) when the image control updates - it seems to briefly show the 
background of the parent control (in this case a canvas with a solid 
color). This makes for a jarring transition between each image as it's 

I get the same effect even in the simplest of cases - just setting 
myImage.source explicitly, forgetting about the array.

How can I update the source of an Image control without this strobing 
effect? Or am I going about it the wrong way?

My Flex experience is limited to a few months of frontend UI development 
- lots of data binding and layout - and this is a new one on me.

Thanks for any help,

Roger Howard

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