You could also use XMLListCollection if you want to continue to use
XML or XMLList.  Like ArrayCollection it also has binding capabilities
so your component is updated if changes are made to the collection.

--- In, "Battershall, Jeff"
> Instead of keeping your dataprovider as an XMLList, which doesn't
> inherently have any binding capabilities, convert the XMLList to an
> ArrayCollection in your result handler function.  Then you can add
> items, etc., and the grid will update as you would expect.
> Jeff
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of mr_delphi_developer
> Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 11:23 PM
> To:
> Subject: [flexcoders] Using XMLList as dataprovider to DataGrid and
> Adding rows
>  In the code below, I'm having trouble figuring out how to add rows to
> the grid. I have found only one tutorial and using it's techniques
> doesn't seem to work.
> Can anyone help out here?
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="";
> layout="absolute" initialize="initApp();">
>         <mx:Script>
>                 <![CDATA[
>                         import;
>                         import;
>                         import mx.controls.Alert;
>      [Bindable]
>      private var rosterInfo:XMLList;
>      public function handleXML(event:ResultEvent):void
>      {
>        rosterInfo = event.result.option as XMLList;
>      }
>      public function handleFault(event:FaultEvent):void
>      {
>, "Error");
>      }
>      public function initApp():void
>      {
>        if (ExternalInterface.available)
>          ExternalInterface.addCallback("addPlayer", addPlayer);
>      }
>                         public function addPlayer(player_name:String,
> jersey_: String,
> age_:String):void
>      {
>        (RosterList.dataProvider as XMLList).addItem(
>          {playerid: 0, playername: player_name, jersey: jersey_, age:
> age_}
>        );
>      }
>    ]]>
>         </mx:Script>
>   <mx:HTTPService result="handleXML(event);"
>                     fault="handleFault(event);"
>                     id="xmlRPC"
>                     resultFormat="e4x"
>                   url="flexget_roster.php"
>                   useProxy="false">
>            <mx:request xmlns="">
>       <teamid>{teamid.text}</teamid>
>              <teampin>{teampin.text}</teampin>
>            </mx:request>
>         </mx:HTTPService>
>         <mx:Label x="56" y="32" text="Team ID" width="55" height="18"
>                   textAlign="right" fontWeight="bold"/>
>         <mx:Label x="56" y="58" text="TeamPin" width="55" height="18"
>                   textAlign="right" fontWeight="bold"/>
>         <mx:TextInput x="130" y="32" id="teamid" width="160"
>                       height="22"/>
>         <mx:TextInput x="130" y="58" id="teampin" width="160"
>                       height="22"/>
>         <mx:Button x="130" y="95" label="Get Roster"
>                    click="xmlRPC.send();" width="160" height="22"/>
>         <mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{rosterInfo}"
>                      x="80"
>                      y="141"
>                      width="262"
>                      height="306"
>                      id="RosterList"
>                      enabled="true"
>                      editable="true" >
>           <mx:columns>
>             <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="playerid"
>                          dataField="playerid"
>                          visible="false"/>
>       <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Player Name"
>                          dataField="playername" />
>       <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Jersey"
>                          dataField="jersey"
>                          width="60"/>
>       <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Age"
>                          dataField="age"
>                          width="40"/>
>     </mx:columns>
>   </mx:DataGrid>
> </mx:Application>
> mySQL data:
> #
> # Table structure for table 'players'
> #
> CREATE TABLE `players` (
>   `playerid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>   `teamid` int(11) NOT NULL,
>   `jersey` varchar(3) default NULL,
>   `playername` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
>   `age` tinyint(4) default NULL,
>   KEY `playerid` (`playerid`)
> #
> # Dumping data for table 'players'
> #
> INSERT INTO `players` (`playerid`, `teamid`, `jersey`, `playername`,
> `age`) VALUES
>   ( 1,5,'34','Nolan Ryan',8),
>   ( 2,5,'21','Roger Clemens',8),
>   ( 3,5,'51','Randy Johnson',9),
>   ( 5,5,'40','David Wells',12),
>   ( 6,5,'56','Brad Lidge',15),
>   ( 7,5,'55','Chad Qualls',9),
>   ( 8,5,'17','Roy Oswalt',10),
>   ( 9,5,'46','Andy Pettitte',11),
>   (10,5,'26','Mariano Rivera',13),
>   (11,6,'34','Nolan Ryan',9),
>   (12,6,'21','Roger Clemens',10),
>   (13,6,'2', 'Randy Johnson',13),
>   (14,6,'42','Bob Gibson',12),
>   (15,6,'19','David Wells',13),
>   (16,6,'4', 'Brad Lidge',12),
>   (17,6,'55','Chad Qualls',15),
>   (18,6,'68','Roy Oswalt',16),
>   (19,6,'41','Andy Pettitte',13),
>   (20,6,'26','Mariano Rivera',9),
> #
> # Table structure for table 'teams'
> #
> CREATE TABLE `teams` (
>   `id` int(1) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>   `teamname` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
>   `division` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
>   `email` varchar(45) NOT NULL default '',
>   `active` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
>   `PIN` int(4) NOT NULL default '1990',
>   `link` varchar(255) default NULL,
>   PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
>   UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`),
>   KEY `teamname` (`teamname`)
> #
> # Dumping data for table 'teams'
> #
> INSERT INTO `teams` (`id`, `teamname`, `division`, `email`, `active`,
> `PIN`, `link`) VALUES
>   (1,'Blue Jays','AA','[EMAIL PROTECTED]',1,1990,NULL),
>   (2,'Orioles','AA','[EMAIL PROTECTED]',1,2000,NULL),
>   (3,'Yankees','AA','[EMAIL PROTECTED]',1,2010,NULL),
>   (4,'Penguins','A','[EMAIL PROTECTED]',1,2160,NULL),
>   (5,'Roadrunners','A','[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
> 1,2170,NULL),
>   (6,'Cardinals','A','[EMAIL PROTECTED]',1,2180,NULL),
>   (7,'OPEN','','',1,1990,NULL);
> HTML page to allow adding of Players to Roster:
> <html>
> <body>
> <script language="javascript">
> //<!--
> function addPlayer()
> {
>   var player_name = document.getElementById('player_name').value;
>   var age_ = document.getElementById('age_').value;
>   var jersey_ = document.getElementById('jersey_').value;
>   getFlexApp('RosterInfo').addPlayer(player_name, jersey_, age_); }
> //-->
> </script>
> <center>
>   <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
>                 id="RosterInfo" width="421" height="561"
> codebase="
>                 <param name="movie" value="RosterEdit.swf" />
>                 <param name="quality" value="high" />
>                 <param name="bgcolor" value="#869ca7" />
>                 <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />
>                 <embed src="RosterEdit.swf" quality="high"
> bgcolor="#869ca7"
>                                 width="421" height="561"
> name="RosterInfo" align="middle"
>                                 play="true"
>                                 loop="false"
>                                 quality="high"
>                                 allowScriptAccess="always"
>                                 type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
> pluginspage="";>
>                 </embed>
>   </object>
>   <br>
>   <br>
>   <table class="Roster">
>     <tr>
>       <td>
>         Enter Data then Click on the Add Player button
>       </td>
>     </tr>
>     <tr>
>       <td>
>         <table style="border-spacing:5px;" width="100%">
>           <tr>
>             <td style="border-style:none;padding:0px;">Player Name:</
> td>
>             <td style="border-style:none;padding:0px;">
>               <input id="player_name" type="text" />
>             </td>
>           </tr>
>           <tr>
>             <td style="border-style:none;padding:0px;">Jersey Number:</
> td>
>             <td style="border-style:none;padding:0px;">
>               <input id="jersey_" type="text" />
>             </td>
>           </tr>
>           <tr>
>             <td style="border-style:none;padding:0px;">Age:</td>
>             <td style="border-style:none;padding:0px;">
>               <input id="age_" type="text" />
>             </td>
>           </tr>
>           <tr>
>             <td colspan="2" style="border-style:none;padding:0px;">
>               <input type="button" id="butAddPlayer"
> onclick="addPlayer()" value="Add Player" />
>             </td>
>           </tr>
>         </table>
>       </td>
>     </tr>
>   </table>
>   </center>
> </body>
> </html>
> PHP source for flexroster.php:
> <?php
>   function get_flex_roster($teamid, $teampin) {
>     include("/home/"); // has $dbuser, $dbpw, etc values...
>     mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw, $dbname, $pconnect);
>     $pinsql = "SELECT PIN from teams WHERE id = $teamid";
>     $pinquery = mysql_query($pinsql);
>     if ((mysql_num_rows($pinquery) == 0) || (mysql_result($pinquery,
> 0) <> $teampin)) {
>       $options = array("You did not enter a valid PIN for the team
> selected, try again.");
>     } else {
>       $teamsql = "SELECT playerid, playername, jersey, age FROM players
> WHERE teamid = $teamid ORDER BY jersey, age";
>       $teamquery = mysql_query($teamsql);
>       $str = "";
>       $i = 0;
>       if (mysql_num_rows($teamquery) > 0) {
>         while ($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($teamquery)) {
>           $options[] = $result;
>         }
>       } else {
>         $options = array("There are no players for this team, to add
> players, click the Add Player button.");
>       }
>     }
>     return $options;
>   }
> ?>
> PHP source for flex_getroster.php
> <?php
>   require('flexroster.php');
>   $options = get_flex_roster($_REQUEST["teamid"],
> $_REQUEST["teampin"]);
>   $results[] = "<options>";
>   foreach ($options as $roster)
>   {
>   $results[] = "<option>
>                   <playerid>" . $roster['playerid'] . "</playerid>
>                   <playername>" . $roster['playername'] . "</
> playername>
>                   <jersey>" . $roster['jersey'] . "</jersey>
>                   <age>" . $roster['age'] . "</age>
>                 </option>";
>   }
>   $results[] = "</options>";
>   print implode("\n", $results);
> ?> 
> ------------------------------------
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