Say what?

The only point I was trying to make was that I already know about SQL and
such. And the reason I can't just switch to Flex 3 to do some profiling is
bugs Adobe introduced into SOAPEncoder with 2.01 HF2. When I get time, I'll
try and fix them, but I haven't got enough time and I've only managed to fix
one so far.

I wasn't trying to be a big man saying the swf was large, I was just after
some info about whether or not I needed to worry. If the answer is simply
"no", why be a dick?

I don't know anything about 3 x 5 cards (I'm not the Thoughtworks type), and
I don't give a shit who lives here. If there's some sort of training going
on around here for people who're already fairly familiar with Flex, why
don't you just point me to it, rather than practicing more douchebaggery?
What the hell is wrong with you?

And my nuts are just fine, thanks.

On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 3:07 PM, Rick Winscot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    JEE Ninja huh? I love that video on YouTUBE of the Shaolin Monk (
> PWN_ER_FYING. So… who said you
> can't use that cool new feature in the IDE to switch to the 3.0 SDK and
> profile your brains out… and then switch back to the 2.0.1 Hotfix
> whatever??? Your answers aren't in any JEE box (the one you are thinking
> inside of).
> Generally – if your 1MB app erratically exceeds a 10MB footprint… modules
> probably aren't going to help you. When you said large app – I was thinking
> a little more than 1MB.... cough 20mb… cough 50mb. If you are worried about
> this one 1MB guy – I would think you need to be coming to the table with
> very specific and targeted questions on how to improve the performance of
> feature x.
> Ah… Brisbane. Alas – you are right. The earth if flat… Doug, Tracy, Steve,
> Alex and Matt are a figment of our imagination… and the sum of all things
> Flex can be written on one side of a 3 X 5 card.
> Do yer' nuts hurt? Hmm… cause I just kicked em' There are more answers than
> questions these days – enough in this earth for every/any one to have more
> than a fair share of light and knowledge.  The only real obstacle is not
> coming to the table hungry.
> Rick Winscot
> *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
> Behalf Of *Josh McDonald
> *Sent:* Friday, May 09, 2008 12:12 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] How big does a SWF get before IE starts to
> worry?
> Thanks for those tips, although I don't think I can action any of them on
> this project, given it's targeting Flex 2 (no profiler, no rpc source), I'm
> in Brisbane (unlikely there's any training that will benefit my skill level
> unfortunately), and I'm already a full-stack JEE ninja ;-)
> I'm definitely hoping we don't have to switch this project to modules, as
> it's 3/4 done already, I've been thrown in because there's some serious
> deadlines approaching, and I was just mainly wondering about how much leeway
> we'll have as the SWF for this is already over a meg. It's not CRM, but it's
> not a dashboard widget either ;-)
> -J
> On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 1:53 PM, Rick Winscot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> If you are creating widgets or gizmos with Flex/Flash… I don't think you
> will ever hit the 'pain threshold.' However, if you are developing a
> substantive application – workforce management, crm, data management,
> repository, asset management or the like… realistically you can code up to
> release oblivious of what is happening with memory management and system
> performance. The difficulty is that developing in Flex is so freaking cool
> that you can easily get caught up in features and visual sweetness that
> you'll will forget to profile as you go to help you target bottlenecks.
> Frankly – if you save performance tuning til' the 11th hour… it's going to
> be rough.
> It's not just about the size of the swf – it all about coding to the
> platform… most reasonably configured system will be fine.  Here is a top
> five-ish list of things to think about.
> #. Modularize your app – you _*can*_eat a whale… one bite at a time.
> #. Profile as you go – if you start to see 'the signs' stop and figure out
> what the problem is. If you are patient the knowledge you gain in the
> process will provide a feedback loop re-injecting better approaches and
> broader understanding into your work.
> #. Training… there I said it. Spending a few bucks in a session with a
>  guru will be incalculable.
> #. Source. Source. Source. It's all about looking into the Flex SDK source
> as much as you can. Building 'hot rods' is a process of developing
> (fanatical) deep understanding of your subject – to the point you know when
> to bend the rules and when not to.
> #. Become the solution. Let's face it… in order to be a Flex 'rockstar' you
> are going to need to understand enterprise architecture, drool in sql, pound
> (as in eat large quantities of) webservices/servlets/etc, and… well you get
> the point. Buy some books… lots of em. Take a (qualified) nerd/geek out to
> lunch. Ask to see cool things people 'talk' about and then ask to take a
> look at the source.
> Cheers,
> Rick Winscot
> *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
> Behalf Of *Josh McDonald
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 08, 2008 10:51 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [flexcoders] How big does a SWF get before IE starts to worry?
> Hey guys,
> I've been reading a lot about explorer not being so nice with Flex / Flasg
> apps that use up a bit of memory, and I'm wondering at what kind of
> thresholds this starts to become a problem? Is it mainly about SWF size, or
> how loose you are with your allocations and leaving dead references around?
> -J
> --
> "Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."
> :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
> :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> "Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."
> :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
> :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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