Is it possible to have the same object (i.e., the same reference) twice
in a single Tree (or other similar control)? 

I have a tree and a list that map the relationships between two types of
classes (simplified here):

public class User {
  public roles:ArrayCollection;
  // Both addRole and removeRole do what you think they might
  public addRole(role:Role) { /* implementation */ }
  public removeRole(role:Role) { /* implementation */ }

public class Role {
  public name:String;

Users and Roles are originally pulled in as collections from an AMF
call. That works fine. I've set up a UserRoleDataDescriptor that extends
DefaultDataDescriptor to map Users and their Roles into a 2-level-deep
tree structure. Now, I also have a List of all the available Roles. I've
added drag-and-drop support from the list to the tree to enable adding
new roles to existing users. This caused some weird behavior when I
originally did it by just calling addRole with the Role object being
dragged. Specifically, when I would add the same role to more than one
user, I'd see weird behavior when trying to remove roles or even just
clicking on them. Basically, it looked like the tree would get confused
and highlight a different UI instance of the same backing object. I'm
working around this right now by simply cloning the Role object (instead
of always adding the same one).

This works fine, but it's a little strange: conceptually, these users
share a single role, not copies of a role. Should I be using a wrapper
class around Users and Roles (so that I can clone the RoleWrapper but
keep a reference to the same Role)?

Maciek Sakrejda
Truviso, Inc.

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