I have a 2 list components in which I have enabled drag and drop
(dragEnabled="true" dropEnabled="true" dragMoveEnabled="true"
dragDrop="dragDropHandler(event)"). So, I am able to drag and drop the
List items (which I have a custom itemRenderer for). I am also using
flex messaging service (Flex data services) so that a change made in
one connected client/browser is propagated to all other connected
browsers. I would like to be able to drag an item from one list to
another (in one browser) and see that drag and drop happen (as it is
happening) in all other connected browsers. I know that I need to send
an AsyncMessage to the server via a producer, and receive from the
server via a consumer.

Question: What do I include in the async message in order to see the
list items drag/drop as it is happening in all connected browsers? 

Can someone help me with code/example? Thanks

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