i found a cool post on flexamples.com about how to convert an image to b&w
with ColorMatrixFilter

<mx:Number id="rLum">0.2225</mx:Number>
    <mx:Number id="gLum">0.7169</mx:Number>
    <mx:Number id="bLum">0.0606</mx:Number>

            matrix="{[rLum, gLum, bLum, 0, 0,
                      rLum, gLum, bLum, 0, 0,
                      rLum, gLum, bLum, 0, 0,
                      0, 0, 0, 1, 0]}" />

i want color/b&w in a combobox and when they change it to b&w that i fade to
b&w similar to how xp does it on the logout screen.  i'm not great with
effects and transitions yet, anybody know how i can achieve this?


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