Thanks Alex specifying a rowHeight fixed the problem. However there's
still an interesting/odd thing in this case which I forgot to mention
in my post. The setter itself executes twice for every row in the
list, and this also seems to be a default behaviour. To be more
specific if
the data provider recieves from the model: "one", "two", "three",
"four" , the data setter trace outputs: 



I have read the post on your blog, and to some extent you are right
however in my case i was working with a repeater as a renderer before
and it proved to be a killing performance issue. The repeater
compenent created a new instance every time the model got updated.
Considering the fact that I got 4 rows in the list and I was pooling
data every 3 seconds that means at least 20 new object per minute. You
can use the caching ootion of the repeater but still when profiling
the appication the memory usage kept growing ang growing and never
stop growing. When switched to List, the memory leak was not an issue
anymore, but instead I got this 2 new issues one already fixed by Alex
and the other one mentioned above. To conclude, event with the extra
object created by the list it is still a better choice for me than the

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