In Flex3, we added a  createColumnItemRenderer method that in theory
will let you return different renderers per-row.  Might be worth a try.



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of dbronk
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 6:45 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Multiple ItemRenderers for a single DataGridColumn


I have a DataGrid and one of the columns I need to be able to do the
following based on the user security setting and the data in the
column. So each row in the DataGrid for a single user may have
different behavior and ItemRenderers.

1. Do not show any data and mark the cell not editable. Still show
the column, just blank out the cell and do not allow editing.

2. Allow the user to see the data, but not edit it. I would like
this to simply show as a Text field.

3. Display the data, and allow the user to edit the data via a
TextInput control.

4. Display the data, and allow the user to edit the data via showing
a CheckBox control.

I know how to do each individually, but I do not know how to do this
all at the same time in a single DataGridColumn.

Can I do this?



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