Per your comment, "...even easier to fake on the client-side." Unless it
involves elements generated on the server side which are verified against
established samples such as...

At the start of game request a token from the server - persist that on the
server with the time it was requested. At the end of game request another
token. To successfully submit the score you will need two valid tokens,
submit within [n] minutes of the last token and arrive at a mean score that
doesn't deviate from your 'curve' more than [n]%. Statistically, this
reduces system threat significantly - further hardening will require an
obstacle course. My recommendation on using a screen capture was to help
verify being 'in-game' vs. 'in-script.'

"...anything your Flash client code does can be done by a hacker's client."
- not accurate. Should read, "...score submissions from your Flash client
can be simulated by a hacker's." The trick is to make the process
complicated enough to reveal counterfeit submissions.

No method is going to be perfect... with enough time and persistence any
system will eventually fail. The point is to find a balance between security
and the prize. In my travels I've found a wide variety of solutions:

Implementation: The use/exchanging of tokens to ensure that the data
received followed a prescribed path.
Challenge: A server-side request for known [data]. The map hack used in
Warcraft is discoverable if the server requests that the client send a
random 'known' pixel value... that does not conform to a spec.
Obfuscation: The use of specialized protocols to keep data less than human
readable (cryptic).
Statistics: The process of comparing data received against known or
projected values (e.g. deviations) to reveal potential counterfeits.
Sampling: The act of repeating statistical analysis throughout the process
to further harden implementation.
Identity: The use of data/information that uniquely identifies an
individual. If necessary, ask for [info data] up-front - which establishes
an identity that can be linked/locked/paired with implementation
(hardening). The value of identity data should parallel system value (i.e. a
cookie can be used to track identity - serviceability is increased by adding
a credit card #). Identity data can be anything from cookies, email
addresses to user accounts. Identity is the most expensive as it may result
in increasing the value of your system - requiring further hardening.
Programmability: The use of techniques that are not easily duplicable by a
computer (i.e. Captcha).
'Secret Sauce': Encryption, digests, etc. used at any stage in any approach
to further harden data.

About your last comment. Scores in any game either start at 0 (zero) or some
max value. Over game play the value increases/decreases until the game ends.
Scores plotted against time reveal a positive/negative inverse exponential
curve. Skill is a function of a particular time-slice. So... in golf - a
player's score can never be less than (perfect attempt + handicap). Handicap
is used to normalize deviation. Etc. etc. etc.

Rick Winscot 

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Troy Gilbert
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] The "High Score" Problem

> Take a screenshot with the score and base-encode it, take a digest
> (signature) of the whole of it with the score plus some 'secret sauce' as
> seed value and then send the lot of it to your server and re-run the
> to see if what you received is valid. To add an extra hurdle - you could
> watermark the image with the server time and limit the submission window
> say. 5 minutes from the end of the game.

That wouldn't work at all. First, anything your Flash client code does
can be done by a hacker's client. The client cannot be trusted, no
matter how complicated you make it. Any of the aforementioned ideas
would be excellent deterrents for most hackers. The above technique
would require a great deal of R&D on the server-side but would be even
easier to fake on the client-side.

> On the point of score validation. scores in any video game are inversely
> exponential - any score that deviates from the mean curve can, with a high
> degree of certainty, be flagged as invalid. In order to do this correctly
> you should be keeping total game time (y axis) and the total score (x

I'm not sure how you can say that scores in any video game are
inversely proportional. What about a golf video game? ;-)



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