I've been having a very odd problem using the Tree control with a
HierarchicicalCollectionView as the dataProvider.  I've been to the
Adobe Forums and #flex on irc.freenode.org looking for help and so far
I've come up empty.  I was told on IRC that Flexcoders is the right
place to look for help :)

The problem is very simple, but somewhat difficult to describe.  For
reasons I'm still a little hazy on, the root node of the tree is
displayed along side (on the same level) as its first-level children.
 All nodes that have children are correctly marked as expandable with
the disclosure icon.  Clicking said icon will cause the next level of
the hierarchy to be displayed, which also suffers from the same
problem: it will display all 2nd-level children AND their children on
the 2nd level.  I believe this problem stems from the way the Tree
control iterates over the collection -- it uses
ICollectionView.createCursor() instead of using the dataDescriptor
property of the Tree control to do that operation (which the docs
imply it does).

After much frustration and dead ends, I discovered that this bug only
manifests when the nodes in the HierarchicalCollectionView are marked
as "open" using openNode().  If the nodes are closed, it works as
expected.  This is very unfortunate for my application, as I'm
creating an app that displays the organization structure of a company.
 The control I use for drawing the chart requires all the nodes in the
tree to be "open" in the dataProvider, but the Tree control that I'd
like to use to provide quick navigation around the organization seems
to require just the opposite.

My questions are simple: why does this happen?  Is it really a bug? 
Should I report it? (probably, if it is a bug...)  Has anyone ever see
this before, and if so, how did they deal with it?

Thank you very much for any help you can provide.

You can find my original post on the Adobe Flex forums (along with a
simple reproduction recipe for the problem) here:

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