Whoever sent me the link for the preloader docs, awsome. One question, no what type of preloader I use, it says downloading, then initaliazting, then the progress bar only gets to about 65% and then my site loads. why is that?

// code

package com.preloader {
    import mx.preloaders.*;
    import flash.events.ProgressEvent;

public class DownloadProgressBarSubClassMin extends DownloadProgressBar {
        public function DownloadProgressBarSubClassMin() {
            // Set the download label.
            downloadingLabel="Downloading Portfolio..."
            // Set the initialization label.
            initializingLabel="Initializing Portfolio..."
            // Set the minimum display time to 2.5 seconds.

        // Override to return true so progress bar appears
        // during initialization.
override protected function showDisplayForInit(elapsedTime:int, count:int):Boolean {
                return true;

// Override to return true so progress bar appears during download. override protected function showDisplayForDownloading(elapsedTime:int, event:ProgressEvent):Boolean {
                return true;


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