Is it feasible to consider Air for your situation? That's one way to get
around browser issues ;)
Maciek Sakrejda
Truviso, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: vijay95052 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [flexcoders] flash player out of memory issue - seeking
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 17:20:02 -0000


We have a requirement to be able to support 10 or more browser 
instances on one PC - each browser instance is loading a html page 
that contains 3 flex apps (each app is around 500k) and some other 
simple html controls

the browser (both FF and IE), crashes (out of memory error) when we 
create 8 or so instances of the browser with this url.

I am seeking reccomendations on how we can increase the number of 
browser instances we can support - 
(earlier, we had 7 flex apps in the page and the browser was 
crashing at the 4th instance) - we reduced the number of swfs to 3 
and we are able to load 7 or 8 browser instances - we cannot reduce 
the number of swfs any further due to the nature of the page 

We also tried using Flex3 RSL to leverage framework caching , and 
also created a RSL for our own library - that reduced the app swf 
size to under 100k - but that did not have any effect on the number 
of browser instances i could open.

We are at a loss as to what we can do to support more browser 
instances - swf size does not appear to have an impact - would it 
help if we optimize our code further in some way? what are the 
common perf/memory issues to look at? any profiler i can use that 
will help?

Also, is there any way to increase the amount of memory available to 
the flash player? I tried looking into the flash player settings but 
could not see any such setting.

Any other suggestions?

thanks for any help


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