I am loading the same bitmap asset using two methods, they should 
work the same but they don't.

Method 1: Statically link to swc file that contains embedded images.
Method 2: Dynamically load swf content that contains embedded images.

The actual embedding code for both methods is as follows:

public var test:Class;

Here is the problematic code snippet:


// event handler for when external swf finishes to load
public function OnExternalSwfLoadComplete(event:Event):void
  // InternalResource was the name of the class compiled in the swc
  var internalResource:Object = new InternalResource(); 
  var externalResource:Object = event.target.content;
  // get the classes and instantiate
  var internalClass:Class = internalResource["test"];
  var externalClass:Class = externalResource["test"];
  var internalAsset:* = new internalClass();
  var externalAsset:* = new externalClass();

  // Here I test 2 things, what are the super class names, and
  // whether the instances are of type IFlexDisplayObject
  var internalIsDisp:Boolean = internalAsset is IFlexDisplayObject;
  var externalIsDisp:Boolean = externalAsset is IFlexDisplayObject;

  var internalSuperClass:String = getQualifiedSuperclassName
  var externalSuperClass:String = getQualifiedSuperclassName
(externalAsset );


The results are that both assets have type mx.core::BitmapAsset.
However internalIsDisp is true while externalIsDisp is false!!

1) Shouldn't this be impossible according to as3 language?
2) What can I do to change the externally loaded resource to behave 
like the statically linked one.  Currently if I use the externally 
loaded resource I crash in the flex framework in places such as 
setStyle for example where it is expecting a IFlexDisplayObject.
3) Am I going about the wrong way externally loading resources?  To 
generate the external swf I am using mxmlc compiler on an .as file 
that contains a bunch of embedded images.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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