Hello all,
       I'm rather new to Flex but I see some exciting things that can
be accomplished with Flex.  In the past, I would try to get Flash to
do everything that Flex can do now, with less work and effort.
        Anyway, I am using self-paced methods to learn Flex CS3 and be
able to use it in my work with my clients/customers.  I have the text:
"Flex Builder CS3 Training from the Source," which is a great text.  I
also use the training videos on Lynda.com for learning Flex.  I'd like
to see if there are some quick start texts or information on the web
that someone knows about.  While it won't replace learning and putting
time into doing a lot of Flex Development, there are some tools and
applications that I see that could be put into place on some of my
sites  and etc. 
        Both training tools that I have, present a single project that
is developed over the course of the training.  This is good, except
when you just need a few Flex components, menus, etc, etc.  If I
wasn't looking to have the entire site done entirely in Flex but
wanted to use some Flex tools/components/applications, things would be
different than if I were creating an entire web application within
Flex, with XML or a database.
        The training I mentioned does not get into deploying the
content and the Flex Designs until one is far into the text or
training.  I won't always need that much knowledge each time I create
something using Flex CS3.  So, if anyone could recommend additional
training material, online or texts, please let me know,

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