Look into using a data Model.

Populate the Model with a record of data and Bind the data entry fields to the Model

Then, whenever you want to change the model you can use a change event to update the Model or not.
The Model becomes your temporary storage.

<mx:Model id ="myModel">

Then the input field gets populated automatically
<mx:TextInput id="myField" text = {myModel.myField} change="updateModel(event)" />

//change even will update the original data (Model) based on a condition

private function updateModel(event):void{
var obj = event.currentTarget

if(obj.text == something){
myModel[obj.id] = obj.text

Ben Marchbanks

::: magazooms ::: digital publishers, taking print beyond paper......


Greenville, SC

Chilcoat, Dee wrote:

I need an example of copying fields in an array to another array, but I don't want the fields to be pass-by-reference. I'm trying to create a "holding"array for input in a datagrid. This is code I have used. holdData[6] = quickEntryGrid.dataProvider[i].timerecordTrcPayRateAmount;

holdData[7] = quickEntryGrid.dataProvider[i].timerecordTrcSickLeaveHours;

holdData[8] = quickEntryGrid.dataProvider[i].timerecordTrcVacationHours;

holdData[9] = quickEntryGrid.dataProvider[i].timerecordTrcRegularHours;

holdData[10] = quickEntryGrid.dataProvider[i].timerecordTrcStraightOvertmHours;

holdData[11] = quickEntryGrid.dataProvider[i].timerecordTrcPremiumOvertmHours;

holdData[12] = quickEntryGrid.dataProvider[i].timerecordTrcOtherHours;

holdData[13] = quickEntryGrid.dataProvider[i].timerecordTrcOtherHoursCode;

                        holdRowData[i] = holdData;

The problem is that whenever a user inputs data into the quickEntryGrid, it is reflected in the holdRowData, which I need to contain the original values before the user enters any data. If I can't use a holding array, do I have other options?

Dee A. Chilcoat

Enterprise Web Application Development

University of California San Diego


(858) 534-0719

Ben Marchbanks

::: magazooms ::: digital publishers, taking print beyond paper......


Greenville, SC

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