Hi all,
Hoping somebody can provide some assistance...
In our organisation we are starting to deploy web-based applications built 
using Flex to our corporate intranet. We are a Microsoft shop and use Windows 
Server 2003 and IIS for all web site hosting.
Currently our applications use Forms authentication (user enters 
login/password, which is checked against database and verified). What we would 
like to do is to have all of our web sites use pass-through authentication 
using Windows Domain Authentication. We have the web sites configured to use 
Integrated Windows Authentication, however  we are not sure how we can use this 
level of authentication from within our Flex apps. 
What we would like to have happen is something along the lines of:
1. User browses to web site (intranet application): http://someapp.ourdomain 
2. The wen site authenticates the user (in IIS) using their logged in Windows 
user credentials - domain groups will be used to control authorisation levels 
(read-only, sysadmin, etc).
3. If the user is authenticated to use the web site, then their group 
membership is returned to the Flex application (or it looks up the details in 
Active Directory or equivalent functionality). Ultimately what we would want 
     * User Name (Domain\User)
     * Domain Group Membership(s) - Domain group memberships will control 
access to resources in the Flex application - only members of the application's 
SysAdmin group will see system admin functions, etc
     * Any other relevant details from Windows Active Directory - possibly home 
folder location (shared folders), etc.
All this should occur seamlessly without the user having to type user 
names/passwords. Our ultimate goal is to have single sign-on across the 
We currently have points 1 and 2 operating, however it is the Flex part that is 
causing some troubles. Mainly - can we retrieve the Logged In user name from 
the client (Domain\User) - we only want the name, not the password. We use 
ColdFusion (v8) as our middleware, so once we have this we can call CFLDAP tags 
to integrate with Active Directory, the main problem at the moment is getting 
the client's logged on user name.
Hoping somebody can help.
Owen West  M.SysDev (C.Sturt) MCP MCAD MCSD
Computer Programmer 
Applications Development Team
Information Technology & Telecommunications
Hunter New England Health
Ph: (02) 4921 4194
Fax: (02) 4921 4191

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