I'd like to add a button so the user can snapshot a graph in my flex app.  I 
can do this storing 
it on the server with Java, but I'd like for the user to have direct access to 
it.  Since I don't 
think this can be done for instance saving to the desktop, I thought the next 
best solution 
would be to send the image to say a new browser window, possibly via a servlet? 
 But I'm not 
sure how to do this or if this is the best solution.  Any ideas or examples of 
how this should 
be done?  Here is a little snippet of the method I use to encode the image into 
a byteArray:

private function saveImage(e:ImageUpdateEvent):void {
                var comp:UIComponent = e.comp; 
                var imageSnap:ImageSnapshot = ImageSnapshot.captureImage(comp);
                var imageByteArray:ByteArray = imageSnap.data as ByteArray;
                imgSave.saveImage(imageByteArray, e.name+"-img.png");

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