Thanks Alex,
Any idea how to stop that happening? I've set the dataColumn's enabled
property to false hoping that would do it but have had no joy.

--- In, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you renderer steals focus, DG arrows will stop working.
> ________________________________
> From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Barry
> Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 5:34 AM
> To:
> Subject: [flexcoders] Datagrid Weirdness - Lose arrow key functionality
> Hi,
> Can anyone help me out here?
> I have a datagrid which when using the up and down arrow keys changed
> the selected index of the grid. All normal there.
> However, when I add an itemRenderer to one of the dataGrid Columns, I
> lose that functionality.
> <mx:DataGrid x="0" y="40" width="100%" height="100%" id="lisDG"
> dataProvider="{model.contactObjects}" change="dataGridClick(event)">
> <mx:columns>
> <mx:DataGridColumn width="20" 
> itemRenderer="com.pbsmedia.ccAdmin.comps.StatusRenderer" 
> editable="false"/>
> <mx:DataGridColumn width="40" sortDescending="true" sortable="true"
> sortCompareFunction="Sorts.compareRegDate" headerText="Reg Date"
> labelFunction="Sorts.doRegDateLabel"/>
> <mx:DataGridColumn width="40" sortable="true"
> headerText="Associate" dataField="ContactAssociate"/>
> <mx:DataGridColumn width="100" sortable="true" headerText="Name"
> dataField="ContactName" />
> <mx:DataGridColumn width="100" sortable="true" headerText="Company"
> dataField="ContactCompanyName" />
> <mx:DataGridColumn width="40" sortable="true"
> sortCompareFunction="Sorts.compareNextCall" headerText="Next Call"
> labelFunction="doNextCallLabel"/>
> </mx:columns>
> </mx:DataGrid>
> Any help much appreciated,
> Barry

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