Hello group,

I am new to Flex and try to play around with WebServcies. Everything 
is ok when I only have one paramter as an argument for the service. 
But when I try to use more than one parameter to hand over to the 
service-operation, the value of the first argument overwrites the 
second argument. I do call the Service in this way:


I did some traffic-sniffing using fiddler and the sent request looks 
like this:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-
    <ns0:myoperation xmlns:ns0="http://sv0000.wsbeans.iseries/xsd";>
Whereas it should look like this:
Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug in Flex when dealing with 
more than one parameter in the service call? I couldn't find an 
example where a webservice uses more than one argument but my call is 
just the way it is described in the manual. Does anybody have a link 
to a working example that uses webservices with more than one 

Btw.: up to now I do use the trial version of Flex Builder 3 - maybe 
this is a limitation of the trial version? 

Thanks in advance for any hint,

Daniel Schlichtholz

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