
I'd like to pass 2 arguments to a remote method called "returnOrders".
Something like:

var token:AsyncToken = ro.returnOrders(userId, filterObj);

The first argument is a String called "id" and the second is an Object (see
below for full code).

The CF guy I'm working with says that if I just send a single object he can
pull it apart and get to the individual properties, but when I send him two
arguments, he can't "break apart" the object (excuse the terminology - his
not mine)

Any hints and tips much appreciated!

Oh, and here is the AS3 filter DTO I'm using.

package net.quadratek.po.dto
    public class FilterDto
        public var poId:String = "";
        public var supplierId:String = "";
        public var monthId:String = "";
        public var yearId:String = "";
        public var projectId:String = "";
        public var employeeId:String = "";

        public function FilterDto()


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