If change the width of a flex Image component, the scaleX remains 1:
(image starting size: 1920x1200) CODE: if (image.width > Application.application.width) { trace("\rimage.scaleX = " + image.scaleX); trace("image.width = " + image.width); image.width = Application.application.width; trace("\rimage.scaleX = " + image.scaleX); trace("image.width = " + image.width); image.scaleY = image.scaleX; } trace("\rimage.scaleX = " + image.scaleX); trace("image.scaleY = " + image.scaleY); trace("image: (" + image.width+ ", " +image.height+ ")"); RESULT: image.scaleX = 1 image.width = 1920 image.scaleX = 1 image.width = 1025 image.scaleX = 1 image.scaleY = 1 image: (1025, 1200) Is the Image component missing scaleX & scaleY properties? Or is there some special event that has to happen for scale to recognize a change in width/height??? thnx -radley ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Radley Marx www.radleymarx.com [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------