Is it possible to have some type of global setting that removes label 
from the charting axes?
I've got a basic LineChart with a DateTimeAxis that is missing labels.
But when I copy the class to a new project and display the chart by 
itself, the labels are there and display fine.
I would like the labels to show, and I am not manipulating this class 
at all from anywhere else so I can't figure out how the labels might 
be getting shut off.

This is my class:

<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=""; 
creationComplete="onInit()" width="100%" height="100%">
        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
        [Bindable] public var dataProvider:ArrayCollection;
        //this is just to populate the data with a diagonal line
        public function onInit():void {
                dataProvider = new ArrayCollection();
                var i:int = 10;
                var date:Date;
                while(i > 0) {
                        date = new Date(2008, 8, 30-i, 10,11, 12);
                        dataProvider.addItem({date:date, yField:i});
<mx:LineChart id="lineChart" width="100%" showDataTips="true" 
dataProvider="{dataProvider}" height="100%">
        <mx:horizontalAxis >
                <mx:DateTimeAxis id="dateTimeAxis" labelUnits="days" 
dataUnits="days" />
                <mx:LinearAxis id="yAxis"/>
                <mx:LineSeries horizontalAxis="{dateTimeAxis}" 
yField="yField" xField="date" />

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