I also seem to recall an Apache thing, hold on, ... yes,



See if that is what you are looking for.





From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Douglas 
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 4:22 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: mxml to swf on a J2EE server


On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 4:14 PM, pankajtandon2003 <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<mailto:pankajtandon%40gmail.com> > wrote:
> Thanks for the response Dimitrios.
> I guess I need to be more specific.
> I'm drawing a parallel between mxml file and a jsp file and I am
> trying to get the mxml file to compile *like* a jsp file.
> In a J2EE environment (say Tomcat), I write a jsp using custom jsp
> tags, ensure that the jar files that contain the TagLibs and the
> corresponding classes are in the class path of the server and when my
> server encounters a URL ending in .jsp, it knows to compile the .jsp
> into a servlet that then sends HTML in the response to the server.
> I am looking for a similar way to achieve this behavior when I write a
> .mxml file. Using Flex Builder as an eclipse plugin is great for unit
> testing where I can see the results of the swf in a browser launched
> from my IDE. However, how can I achieve this when I am using Tomcat. I
> thought LCDS was the way to achieve this.
> You have stated that that is not the case.
> In other words how can I get from a .mxml to a .swf (that my browser
> can display) in one step. OR.. is it necessary to do a two-step
> process, where I compile into a .swf and then bundle the swf with my
> J2EE artifact for deployment. If this is the case, then how can I
> supply a filename to my swf dynamically.

The accepted way is to do this, yes. Use Ant to build your jars,
swfs, etc ball them up and deploy away. Alternatively, you can use
LCDS to 'compile on the fly' like a jsp, php, or cfm does. Flex 1.5
and earlier worked this way. It is *horribly* slow on first request
though. Its called web-tier-compiler IIRC. Heck of a lot of cash to
outlay just for this when you can compile in your standard build


> I hope I am clear..er now :)
> Thanks for your responses and patience!
> Pankaj
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com <mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com> , 
> "Dimitrios Gianninas"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> 1) You don't LCDS to compile stuff, you can pre-compile your Flex
> application by simply using the Flex SDK. It comes with the compiler.
> You can read about it here:
> http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/compilers_01.html 
> <http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/compilers_01.html> 
>> 2) I dont completly understand this question.... is that in your
> Flex app you are trying to communicate with an HTTPService and you
> want to pass it the URL?
>> Dimitrios Gianninas
>> RIA Developer and Team Lead
>> Optimal Payments Inc.
>> ________________________________
>> From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com <mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com>  
>> [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com <mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com> ]
> On Behalf Of pankajtandon2003
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 2:01 PM
>> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com <mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com> 
>> Subject: [flexcoders] mxml to swf on a J2EE server
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to integrate a Flex app with a J2EE app. After reading up a
>> little I determined that LifeCycle Data ES is what I would need to
>> effect this. LifeCycle Data ES is what allows me to get data from the
>> server and save data etc. However I really don't need that level of
>> integration. All I need is the ability to compile my .mxml file on the
>> server so that it is rendered as a .swf file on the client. LifeCycle
>> Data ES seems like overkill for just this.
>> How can I achieve above.
>> Secondly, I need to pass in a file name to my .mxml file dynamically.
>> Traditionally, since the mxml file is executing on the client, I would
>> expect a HTTPService call to get the file name. However, if my .mxml
>> file is dynamically compiled on the server into an .swf (like a .jsp
>> into a servlet), then I can really place the file name dynamically in
>> the source code of the mxml file. How can I do so specifically?
>> So there are two questions:
>> 1. How can I compile .mxml files into .swfs on a J2EE server without
>> using LifeCycle Data ES.
>> 2. How can I specify a filename dynamically in a .mxml file so that it
>> compiles int a .swf with the right filename (and executes on the
>> client as usual)
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Pankaj
>> --
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Douglas Knudsen
http://www.cubicleman.com <http://www.cubicleman.com> 
this is my signature, like it?


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